Het Nederlandse Travel Impact Lab helpt start-ups in de reissector succesvol op gang en zet bestaande reisorganisaties aan om toekomstbestendig te worden.
De afgelopen 12 weken werden 5 geselecteerde start-ups intensief begeleid door o.a. Riksja Travel, Transavia en ANWB. Het accelerator programma kwam ten einde in de vorm van een demo-day waar Airtrotter, Hi, hi Guide, Smart Flight, Ventoura en Via Ella zich voorstelden aan een ruimer professional publiek, op zoek naar nieuwe contacten, klanten en investeerders.
Je kan de demo-day en de pitches herbekijken in onderstaande video.
Airtrotter.com – Worldwide travel planner
A website which combines multiple (travel) websites in one. Where users can create and share their travel itinerary!
Hi, hi Guide – Explore the city with a local
Hi,hi Guide is a peer to peer platform where travelers book locals for private and personalized tours. A traveler sends a request, multiple locals reply with their customized offers and the traveler eventually chooses/books the local with the best offer.
Smart Flight – Platform for airlines to allow impacted passagers to receive benefits
Smart Flight is a disruption management platform for Airlines. The solution foresees integrations with the airlines’ back-office systems that allow the impacted passenger to receive their benefits ( food vouchers, hotel,
transportation) and resolve the situation in a self-service manner.
Ventoura – Custom adventures & music
experiences made by artists & creators
Ventoura is a social travel marketplace that offers a better way for creators & influencers to sell holidays online. Our community-built platform offers a wide range of holiday, adventure and event packages at affordable prices. Support creators & connect with other fans when booking on Ventoura.
Via Ella – Platform for tailor made travel
Via Ella transforms the market for tailored travelling with a fully automated, personal and hassle free process that delivers the best tailored travel proposal for consumers. Travel wishes are matched with the best fitting tour operator (small scale, specialized organizations) who create the proposal and execute the trip. We use data and ai to provide travel inspiration, online intake and advice, and a personalized sales- and service process.